Empowered Word Ministries

A few words

About Us

From humble beginnings

The Charity


What started as an in-home study and a small women’s group, coupled with Natalie’s desire to help people and give back, has blossomed into an empowerment charity.

We are a new not-for-profit organization committed to empowering people by teaching them how valuable and loved they are. Love is the most potent force in the universe, changing things. We give people the tools to move forward and improve their lives, tools like self-confidence, self-worth, and self-love.

Our programs will teach you how to rewire your mind and flip the success switch in your brain. You will learn to recognize and control limiting thoughts, switch your mindset, change your self-talk, and create positive habits. These changes will attract success in every area of your life.

Want to make a difference?

Powerful Living Classes on Tuesday nights at 7:30 PM bimonthly

These self-help classes will teach you how to rewire your mind and flip the success switch in your brain. You will learn how to recognize and control your thoughts & feelings, switch your mindset, improve your self-talk, and create successful habits that will attract success in every area of your life. There is hope, so don’t give up.

Why don’t you join us? Everyone welcome.