Empowered Word Ministries

Power Up Boot Camp (Online Course)

Empower yourself, your family and your employees through powerful lessons

Power Up boot camp Online course

Date: every January

You were created to be extraordinary! Invest in yourself and your dreams. 

Power Up Boot Camp consists of 6 master classes based on strategies from Natalie’s book EmPOWERed: Ignite God’s Vision for Your Life with a Kingdom Mindset.

Classes will be online on Zoom every Thursday at 7 pm. They are 90 minutes in length once a week.

Sessions begin on Thursday, January 9, 2025

Access to course study materials, power declarations, and class replays. There are opportunities for Q&A at the end of each session, plus homework suggestions so you get the most out of these classes.

Participats who sign up during October, November, and December will receive a free half-hour coaching session with Empowerment Coach Natalie! (minimum deposit $50)

Transformation & Empowerment!

Are you ready to make this year your most successful yet? Enrol in the Power Up Boot Camp Online Course and start building the life you've always dreamed of.

These master classes cover essential topics such as vision, goal setting, anxiety, fear, forgiveness, and Multiple Perspective Advantage Mode. This boot camp will help you remove obstacles to success and discover your power. It will cause you to pursue your purpose, dreams, and goals. Please don’t do the same things repeatedly and call it a life. You were created for more. This year can be your best year yet! 

Benefits include:

  • Boosted motivation.

  • Clarity of purpose.

  • Enhanced skills and habits.

  • Learn success strategies

  • Discover how to be effective instead of busy

  • Get the keys to actual results. 

  • A transformed future.

**Boosted Motivation**: There’s an undeniable energy that comes with the beginning of a new year or beginning something new. Channel this energy into your personal growth. With each module, you’ll find your motivation and drive increasing.

**Clarity of Purpose**:
 Starting the year with a clear vision sets the tone for the rest of the year. Session One will help you define and refine your goals, ensuring

every step you take is aligned with your true purpose.

**Enhanced Skills and Habits**:
 The habits and skills you’ll develop are lifelong tools. They’ll not only serve you this year but will continue to be the backbone of your success in the years to come.

**A Transformed Future**: Imagine where you could be one year from now if you start today. It is not just about immediate changes; it’s about setting the trajectory for a future that aligns with your deepest desires, plans, and purposes for your life.

Bootcamp is so powerful! We all want to achieve our dreams and goals the problem is, we don’t know how. To succeed we need to do our part but … what is our part?? I thought I knew but that wasn’t working for me. I didn’t realize how significant my mindset is in fulfilling my goals…until Bootcamp! Natalie is one of your biggest cheerleaders! She wants you to succeed! Her goal is to empower you to become all that you can be! Natalie gives you the tools you need to do your part, empowers you to believe you can and offers a one on one counselling session to address any challenges you may be experiencing. I encourage you to Rise Up and get Empowered to become all that you were created to be!


I encourage all of you to take Natalie's Power Up Bootcamp classes this coming year. They helped me to achieve many of the goals I set out to do for this year through vision boards and Natalie's teachings in the course. It's fantastic!


These interactive master classes will empower you to step out in faith to fulfill the dreams and goals in your heart. You will be given the tools and success criteria to follow to attract success in every area of your life. It’s time to step into your power!

6 Session Overviews

Session 1-Get a Vision for your Life!

Goal: Reflect on last year with gratitude to remember the gifts, high points, and lessons learned. Envision and lay the path for your best year yet. Learn how to set goals that align with your purpose. Construct a vision board, set priorities, assign action steps, and focus on your dreams and goals. Learn to avoid the hindrances to vision to begin living your best life.

Rationale: The power of vision is that you become what you behold. We all want to be happy and prosperous and help others, but we can’t give what we don’t have. Focusing on your growth development plan first will prepare and empower you to be there for others.

Sight is a function of the eyes, but vision is a function of the heart. Never trust your eyes over your vision. Vision shows you what could be, while sight shows you what is. Always live by your visio

Session 2- It’s All About Perspective!

Multiple Perspective Advantage that is!

Goal: Participants will be empowered by renewing their minds and changing their perspective using the Multiple Perspectives Advantage method. By changing their perspective participants will be able to see the bigger picture, gain new insights and find creative solutions to life’s challenges.

Rationale: We as humans, have this amazing ability to stand outside of ourselves and observe our thinking. This is called the Multiple Perspective Advantage (MPA). This is a type of self-regulation which is the intentional process of standing outside yourself and observing your thoughts, words, and actions and changing them. Neuroplasticity has proven that the adult mind is more malleable than previously thought and can change throughout our lives. You don’t need to stay stuck in toxic thinking patterns. You can change your perspective and in turn change your life.

Session 3-Forgiving What You Can’t Forget

Goal: Participants will learn the steps to complete forgiveness in their lives, which will release them from their past and propel them forward.

Rationale: Un-forgiveness is the number one stumbling block to fulfilling your life assignment. Forgiveness is an intentional decision to relinquish resentment and anger and give up any claim to be compensated for our hurt or loss. Forgiveness is for you. It is a gift that we give to ourselves. Forgiveness doesn’t make them right; it makes you free to live the life you were created for. Forgiveness isn’t forgetting what happened but learning the lesson and moving on. Forgiveness is choosing to be strengthened by your past, not strangled by it.

Session 4-All fear must go!

Goal: Participants will identify their fears, learn the steps to overcome them, and begin to walk courageously into their bright future.

Rationale: Fear is the #1 stumbling block to success and potential. It is part of a fixed mindset that causes us to use negative self-talk and forget who we are and what we are capable of. Fear is the opposite of faith—it is unbelief. Fear is a learned response. If something is learned, it can also be unlearned. Learn how to flip the script on fear and move forward with courage into your best life.

Session 5- Anxiety- Be Anxious for Nothing!

Goal: Participants will learn how to distinguish between helpful alerts and chronic worries.

Rationale:It is important for us to effectively manage our fears and anxieties, distinguishing between helpful alerts and chronic worries. All emotions serve a purpose even fear. Fear keeps us safe. Healthy fear is like a smoke detector that can save your life. Unhealthy fear is like a malfunctioning smoke detector that never shuts off. Because it isn’t working right it isn’t protecting you.

In this session I share my personal story of deliverance from debilitating fears and anxiety and how God helped me to replace my fear response with a new positive and healthy habit.

Session 6-Love the way to victory!

Goal: Participants will learn to love themselves and better understand their value.

Participants will identify and remove any obstacles inhibiting them from walking in love with themselves and others.

Rationale: When you understand that you are worthy of love just as you are, that you are valuable, and that you are enough, you will be empowered in ways you never imagined. You are a masterpiece in the making!

Want to make a difference?

Powerful Living Classes on Tuesday nights at 7:30 PM bimonthly

These self-help classes will teach you how to rewire your mind and flip the success switch in your brain. You will learn how to recognize and control your thoughts & feelings, switch your mindset, improve your self-talk, and create successful habits that will attract success in every area of your life. There is hope, so don’t give up.

Why don’t you join us? Everyone welcome.

Power Up Boot Camp

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